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Current Executive

Suresh Daljeet
ED Industrial

Ryan Wheeler
Trans-Northern Pipeline Inc.
CAER Session Coordinator

Ryan Wheeler
Shearwater Environmental Emergency Solutions Inc.


The following officers of the group shall be elected for a two-year term at the annual meeting.



  1. Presides at all meetings.

  2. Official representative of the group.

  3. Is not a spokesperson for individual members.


Post Chairperson:


  1. Upon stepping down as the chairperson, the individual will remain part of the executive committee to facilitate the new chairperson position.

  2. The post chairperson can maintain this position for 1 year or the full two-year term.


Vice Chairperson:


  1. Shall act for the chairperson in his/her absence.

  2. Shall perform other duties as required.


CAER Session Coordinator:


  1. Shall keep minutes of all meetings.

  2. Shall distribute minutes, agendas, and other documents as required to all members.

  3. Shall conduct the financial affairs of the group and keep complete and accurate records of the group.


All Members:


Help the executive


Municipal Representative:


To act as primary contact between the municipal emergency services operations and the Hamilton CAER Group


Working Groups:


Shall be arranged to undertake projects as required with a designated chairman to report results to the main group.

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